Delve into the world of international relations, a field that combines politics, history, sociology, and more. Find out if it’s a suitable academic path for you and explore the career opportunities it can open up in various sectors worldwide.

Is International Relations a Suitable Academic Path?

Countless educational institutions around the globe offer coursework in global affairs for both undergraduate and postgraduate students. This brings up the question, is such a course of study beneficial? In this piece, we delve into the essence of global affairs, the knowledge you acquire during your academic journey, and the career prospects in this field.

A global affairs course is adaptable and paves the way for employment possibilities in numerous sectors like law, commerce, diplomacy, security, advertising, and more. As part of the curriculum, students delve into various subjects such as political studies, historical analysis, anthropology, sociology, and economics. If you are keen on voyaging, securing jobs, and dwelling overseas, a course in global affairs could prove beneficial.

What exactly is Global Affairs?

Global Affairs is an extensive study of the interactions between nations, encompassing a wide array of topics like foreign policy, commerce, diplomacy, and warfare. It also scrutinizes the various participants such as governments, transnational organizations, business enterprises, and non-governmental entities. 

Owing to its vast nature (alternatively known as “global affairs”), it integrates diverse fields like economics, sociology, religious studies, and more. Although nations have always interacted, the field of global affairs truly bloomed post the First World War. With individuals delving deeper into the reasons for the war, the field gained momentum. The pioneering Department of International Politics was set up in 1919 at the University of Aberystwyth.

The domain of global affairs further developed and widened during and post the Second World War. Upon the war’s conclusion, this field was deemed indispensable for foreign policy and political science. Over the following decades, global affairs evolved to be more than a political domain; it encompassed fields like anthropology, economics, and history. Today, it is an interdisciplinary subject with programs being offered worldwide.

a composite image of business people with a handshake on the light-blue background

What does a Global Affairs study program entail?

While pursuing a global affairs program as an undergraduate, you’ll encounter subjects from diverse disciplines. To illustrate, students selecting the Global Affairs academic path at Stanford will be exposed to international affairs, political science, economics, anthropology, history, comparative literature, sociology, and more: 

  • The coursework combines a blend of compulsory subjects (usually focused on the theory and practical aspects of global affairs) and an assortment of electives. Students must earn a specified number of elective credits for graduation;
  • The first year generally comprises mandatory courses to establish a solid foundation before specializing in a particular field. Fluency in foreign languages is vital for global affairs students, and a year of overseas study might be compulsory;
  • Numerous students choose to further their education with a master’s in global affairs, widening their career prospects and positioning them for superior roles;
  • Generally, these programs span two years, but it’s possible to finish earlier or study part-time while employed. Master’s courses are similar to undergraduate studies, encompassing subjects like history, global affairs, anthropology, political science, and more;
  • Specialization in areas like law, security, commerce, business, etc., will be necessary. Mastery of at least one of the six official languages of the UN (French, English, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, and Russian) is crucial. 

The first year typically revolves around core courses, while the second year is dedicated to dissertation work.

What transferable abilities does a Global Affairs degree bestow upon you?

While earning a global affairs degree, you will be exposed to an array of topics, but what abilities are you acquiring? Numerous acquired abilities are transferable, making a global affairs degree an advantageous choice. 

a young man learning how to use machine-learning platform by exploring sample data

Let’s look at three of the most beneficial ones:

Analytical Thought Process

Analytical thought is the dissection of facts, claims, and evidence. Through this detailed examination, analytical thinkers then form an opinion or judgment. The aim of this method of thinking is to remain as unbiased as possible, aware of any preconceived notions that might affect one’s judgment. 

Adept analytical thinkers aren’t intimidated by novel information, even if it goes against their existing beliefs. They possess the ability to suspend their personal viewpoints and objectively evaluate incoming data. Critical thought involves many capabilities, such as the aptitude to evaluate substantial amounts of information, identify unsupported evidence or misinformation, ask the right questions, and attend to minutiae.

Given that global affairs coursework deals with varied theories, a vast amount of information, multiple fields, and significant queries about peace, warfare, diplomacy, etc., students are required to refine their analytical thinking abilities to succeed. Even if you don’t choose a career directly linked to global affairs, analytical thinking abilities are sought-after in every profession.

Proficient Investigative Capabilities

Coursework in global affairs involves substantial research. It’s not merely about sifting through an abundance of information; the field employs several research methodologies. As a student, you’ll comprehend these methodologies, understand where they’re most effective, and their pros and cons. 

You’ll also learn to distinguish between reliable sources from books, scholarly journals, databases, government portals, and more. Managing multiple sources, you’ll cultivate techniques for productivity and efficiency. Proficient investigative capabilities are as much about effectively managing your time and effort as they are about finding data.

Many roles necessitate (or at least benefit from) abilities linked to proficient investigation, such as goal-setting, data examination, meticulousness, time management, and lucid communication. Studying the histories of independent nations, theories of global affairs, laws and policies, and more will enhance your research capabilities.

Effective Intercultural Communication

The term “culture” might seem ambiguous, but it develops when a group of individuals share basic assumptions, values, norms, etc. These principles and norms, often unwritten, significantly influence an individual’s interactions with their surroundings and peers. Culture is frequently discussed in the context of geography, ethnicity, and religion. 

Differences in culture can lead to misinterpretations and disputes. Improved communication can turn diversity into an advantage. Intercultural communication forms the cornerstone of global affairs. Global affairs professionals like diplomats, interpreters, and analysts need stellar intercultural communication abilities to be effective.

In multicultural workplaces (and those aspiring to be more inclusive), intercultural communication is one of the most sought-after capabilities. An increasing number of organizations today prefer job applicants who demonstrate cultural awareness and sensitivity, adaptability, patience, and dedication to creating supportive, inclusive environments.

What are the prospects with a global affairs qualification and the expected earnings?

You can explore several career avenues with a degree in global affairs. Your earnings will depend on factors such as your level of education, experience, job requirements, employer, and job location. 

To provide a clearer picture of your potential career, here are seven job profiles and their average remuneration:

Political advisor

National average remuneration (USA): $35,023

Political advisors work with governmental officials, politicians, and other clients involved in politics. They are often employed to work on campaigns and help candidates secure victory. Responsibilities can comprise research, crafting press releases, coordinating events, and keeping abreast of current affairs.

Strategic Policy Analyst

National average salary (USA): $76,994

Strategic policy analysts delve into the workings of political systems, legislations, and policies across the globe. They typically specialize in a specific area, like trade, environmental issues, women’s rights, and healthcare, among others. Governments, corporations, and nonprofits are the primary employers of these analysts, who are tasked with understanding how various policies will impact their organization. They may also review existing policies and provide recommendations based on their investigations.

Foreign Service Officer

National average salary (USA): $97,444/year

Foreign service officers, also known as diplomatic agents, represent their home nation on a global platform. Their principal objectives are fostering robust, cordial relations with other nations and advocating for their homeland’s culture and interests. This role could also entail aiding citizens abroad during crises, negotiating treaties, and conducting research. The roles of these agents may vary based on their specific expertise. For instance, economic officers focus on economic issues like technology, energy, environmental policies, etc.

Global Marketing Manager

National average salary (USA): $99,600

Companies aiming to venture into international markets hire global marketing managers. These professionals need a comprehensive understanding of the targeted locations, including how the international markets function, effective marketing strategies, potential popular products, raising awareness, and more. Earning a degree in global affairs, especially with a focus on trade, would be highly beneficial for this role.

Overseas Banking Officer

National average salary (USA): $70,677

Overseas banking officers, who might be employed by international banks, corporations, or government agencies, specialize in international finance. Their responsibilities include analyzing and devising financial strategies, monitoring financial structures, and making financial projections. At the highest level, these officers might work for global entities like the World Bank and International Monetary Fund.

Linguistics Expert

National average salary (USA): $51,682

Linguistics experts, which include interpreters and translators, are language specialists. Their knowledge surpasses mere fluency in a language; they study its origins, cultural evolution, regional differences, and more. Government agencies engaged in foreign affairs work in collaboration with linguistics experts.

Global Attorney

National average salary: $85,153

Global attorneys might be employed by law firms, governments, or private corporations. They are experts in international laws, policies, and regulations between countries. They often specialize in areas such as human rights, immigration, or international trade. Their responsibilities include conducting research, advising clients, drafting agreements and contracts, and staying updated on legal changes.

Final Thoughts

Choosing to pursue a course of study in global affairs can open up a world of opportunities. The study equips you with valuable capabilities such as rational reasoning, proficient investigative skills, and effective intercultural communication. These transferable abilities are applicable and sought-after across a variety of sectors, making a degree in global affairs not just a versatile but also a rewarding academic choice.

This course lays the groundwork for diverse career paths, ranging from strategic policy analysts and foreign service officers to global marketing managers and linguistics experts. Salaries in these roles can be lucrative, and the specific earning potential is influenced by several factors, such as your educational background, professional experience, and job location.

Therefore, whether your interests lie in politics, trade, diplomacy, or law, a degree in global affairs can provide the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in a globally interconnected world. This field of study not only enriches your understanding of world dynamics but also cultivates a broad mindset, capable of comprehending and respecting cultural diversity. Ultimately, global affairs can be a rewarding and enriching academic path that prepares students for a multitude of careers in the increasingly globalized world.

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