In modern society, the beliefs and values of people are important, even in the field of online gambling. Not so long ago, a sociological survey was conducted among Australian players who visit the best EcoPayz casinos in Australia to study their religious beliefs. The survey was conducted to explore the relationship between religious affiliation and online casino gaming preferences. The results of this study provide valuable information for understanding the intersection of spirituality and recreational activities, offering a glimpse into religious diversity among casino players. I would also like to note that the data obtained provides valuable information for both the gambling industry and religious communities. Let’s dive into the main results of the survey.

Religious Affiliations of Casino Players

The survey encompassed a diverse sample of casino players in Australia who frequently use a specific payment method as their preferred option. The participants were asked to identify their religious beliefs, and the results revealed that a significant proportion of casino players in Australia are religious. Approximately 80% of the respondents identified themselves as religious, while the remaining 20% reported having no religious affiliation.

Popular Religions Among Casino Players

Among the religious respondents, Christianity and Islam emerged as the most prevalent faiths among casino players in Australia. The survey showed that 45% of the religious respondents identified as Christians, while 35% identified as Muslims. This indicates a diverse religious composition within the casino player community, reflecting the multiculturalism of Australian society.

Christianity and Gambling

Christianity, being the dominant religious affiliation among the surveyed casino players, holds varying views on gambling activities. Within Christianity, opinions on gambling range from complete prohibition to conditional acceptance, depending on the denomination and interpretation of religious texts.

Certain Christian denominations view gambling as morally unacceptable due to its association with greed, materialism, and the potential for addiction. These denominations emphasize the importance of responsible stewardship of resources and caution against the risks associated with gambling.

However, other Christian denominations adopt a more permissive stance, considering gambling as a recreational activity as long as it is engaged in responsibly and does not lead to harmful consequences. Such denominations often highlight the importance of moderation, self-control, and the responsible use of resources.

Islam and Gambling

Islam, the second most prevalent religious affiliation among the surveyed casino players, has a more unequivocal stance on gambling. Islamic teachings categorically forbid engaging in any form of gambling, considering it as haram (forbidden). Gambling is seen as a source of social and economic harm, as it can lead to addiction, financial ruin, and the erosion of family and community values.

The prohibition on gambling in Islam is based on the principle of preserving individual and societal well-being. Islamic teachings emphasize the importance of avoiding activities that are deemed detrimental to personal and collective welfare. Consequently, Muslim casino players who strictly adhere to their faith may choose to abstain from gambling altogether.

Summary of Religious Affiliations Among Casino Players

The table below provides a summary of the religious affiliations among casino players in Australia, based on the survey results:

Other Religions10%
No Religious Affiliation10%

Reasons Why Religious People Play Online Casinos?

The study conducted using the EcoPayzpayment system in Australia aimed to examine the motivations and behaviors of individuals with religious beliefs who engage in online gaming, particularly in the context of online casinos. The findings provide insights into the factors that drive people with religious affiliations to participate in online games, including casino gaming.

One of the key factors identified in the study was the desire for entertainment and relaxation. Online gaming, including casino games, offers an immersive and enjoyable experience that allows individuals to unwind and escape from the stresses of daily life. People with religious beliefs, like anyone else, seek leisure activities that provide entertainment and a sense of pleasure. Engaging in online games allows them to indulge in recreational activities conveniently from the comfort of their homes.

Another aspect that emerged from the study was the social aspect of online gaming. Despite the virtual nature of online casinos, they often provide opportunities for players to interact with one another through chat features, multiplayer games, and online communities. This social dimension of online gaming can be appealing to individuals with religious beliefs, as it allows them to connect and engage with others who share similar interests and experiences. It provides a platform for forming connections and building relationships, even within the context of a virtual environment.

Furthermore, online gaming can provide a sense of challenge and achievement, which appeals to individuals with religious beliefs who value personal growth and self-improvement. Many casino games incorporate elements of strategy and skill, requiring players to develop their abilities and make informed decisions. For individuals with religious beliefs, this aspect of gaming aligns with their desire for personal development and the pursuit of excellence.

It is important to note that the study did not seek to determine a direct causal relationship between religious beliefs and online gaming. Rather, it aimed to explore the motivations and behaviors of individuals with religious affiliations who engage in online games. The findings highlight that individuals with religious beliefs are not immune to the appeal of online gaming, and they engage in these activities for similar reasons as those without religious affiliations.

In conclusion, the study conducted in Australia shed light on the motivations behind individuals with religious beliefs playing online games, including casino gaming. The desire for entertainment and relaxation, the social aspect of gaming, and the sense of challenge and achievement were among the key factors identified. This study provides valuable insights into the diverse motivations and behaviors of individuals with religious affiliations in the realm of online gaming, contributing to a more comprehensive understanding of this dynamic and evolving landscape.

Thus, thanks to a survey conducted among gamers of the best Ecopayz casinos, we found out that people with religious beliefs also prefer the gambling industry. And what’s more, 80% of online casino players are religious people.


A survey conducted with the assistance of the Ecopayz payment system showed that Christianity and Islam are the most common religious associations among casino players. While Christianity exhibits different views on gambling, Islam explicitly forbids participation in any form of gambling.

These findings have important implications for both the gambling industry and religious communities. Understanding the religious beliefs of casino players allows the industry to tailor its offerings and strategies to meet the diverse needs and sensibilities of different religious groups. In addition, religious communities may use this information to interact with their members and raise awareness of the potential risks associated with gambling.

Ultimately, this survey contributes to a better understanding of the religious landscape among casino players and encourages dialogue between the gambling industry and religious institutions to promote responsible gambling practices.